Bright As Yellow - The Innocence Mission

sexta-feira, 26 de março de 2010

And you live your life with your arms stretched out.
Eye to eye when speaking.
Enter rooms with great joy shouts,
happy to be meeting.
And bright,
bright as yellow,
warm as yellow.

And I do not want to be a rose.
I do not wish to be pale pink,
but flower scarlet, flower gold.
And have no thorns to distance me,

but be bright,
bright as yellow,
warm as yellow.

Even if I'm shouting, even if I'm shouting here inside.
Even if I'm shouting, do you see that I'm wanting,
that I want to be so
bright as yellow,
warm as yellow.

Sobre torres

quinta-feira, 25 de março de 2010

"Já tive torres internas que foram ao chão.
Torres altas demais para mim, torres que nem chegaram a ficar concluídas, torres que me exigiram esforço e que me deram prazer, até que alguém, com uma frase, ou com um gesto, as fez virem abaixo.
Tinha gente dentro, tinha eu." 

Martha Medeiros